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Unilever is a multinational corporation that owns many of the world's consumer product brands in foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products.

Size of operations (number of employees) in the Philippines
Any info? Email us at inclusiveworkplace@gmail.com

Company policies that mentions SOGIE

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. Unilever is an equal opportunity employer.  It prohibits discrimination based on age, color, disability, marital or parental status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status or any other protected status in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws.

Are these policies being enforced in the Philippines?
Any info? Email us at inclusiveworkplace@gmail.com

Do they have policies and practices in the Philippines that are not in line with the policy mentioned above (e.g. no-crossdressing policy)? 
Any info? Email us at inclusiveworkplace@gmail.com

Unilever in the Philippines
Any info? Email us at inclusiveworkplace@gmail.com