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Xerox is a global document management company (founded in 1906) that manufactures and sells a range of color and black -and-white printers, multifunction systems, photo copiers, digital production printing presses, and related consulting services and supplies.

Size of operations (number of employees) in the Philippines
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Company policies that mentions SOGIE

Nondiscriminatory Employment Practices and Anti-Bullying. Each of us plays an important role in ensuring that our fellow employees are treated with dignity and respect. As an equal opportunity employer, we do not discriminate in recruitment, selection, compensation, training, job assignment, promotion, termination or any other employment- related activity with respect to a person’s race, color, nationality, religious belief or affiliation, sex, age, ethnic or national origin, marital or family status, sexual orientation, gender identity, trade union membership or activity or current or past disability.

At Xerox, diversity is seen as a competitive advantage that goes beyond differences of any kind and embraces other characteristics, such as divergent thinking and different work styles.

(Read Xerox Code of Business Conduct)

Are these policies being enforced in the Philippines?
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Do they have policies and practices in the Philippines that are not in line with the policy mentioned above (e.g. no-crossdressing policy)? 
Any info? Email us at

Xerox in the Philippines

A -Fuji Xerox Philippines Inc.
    19F 6788 Ayala Avenue
     Makati City 1229 Philippines

T - +63(2) 8785200
F - +63(2) 8867135