Visteon Corp.

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Visteon Corp. is one of the world's largest suppliers of automotive parts.

Size of operations (number of employees) in the Philippines
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Company policies that mentions SOGIE

Diversity Policy. Visteon values diversity and everything it embodies. For Visteon, diversity represents an environment of open communication where contributions of all employees are valued. The cornerstone to establishing a diverse business is built on the foundation of inclusion, respect, acceptance and learning. The attributes that make us unique individuals – culture, ethnicity, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, nationality, education, life experience and beliefs – allow us to provide each other with insights that may not otherwise be realized.

As a multi-cultural organization, Visteon embraces human differences and harnesses its power to create a competitive edge. These continued actions and experiences have shaped Visteon into a positive and nurturing business environment. Employment Diversity in the workplace includes embracing all differences that define each of us as unique individuals. These differences include culture, ethnicity, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, nationality, education, experience and beliefs.

These are just some of the distinctions that each individual brings to the workplace – and contributes to one's own unique individuality. Visteon embraces an inclusive work environment – where open communication and honest dialogue exist and the contributions of all employees are valued; where equal opportunity and non-discrimination are held in high esteem. By valuing diversity, both individuals and organizations are better equipped to meet the challenges presented by global competition. Through a succinct an emphasis on understanding, valuing and leveraging differences, Visteon can work to create a direct link to its ability to compete effectively in an ever-changing marketplace.

Are these policies being enforced in the Philippines?
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Do they have policies and practices in the Philippines that are not in line with the policy mentioned above (e.g. no-crossdressing policy)? 
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Visteon Corp. in the Philippines

A - Visteon Philippines Plant
      Visteon Phillipines, Inc.
      No. 3 American Road
      Greenfield Automotive Park - S
      Santa Rosa Laguna
      4026 Philippines

T - (63) 49-541-3350

F - (63) 49-541-3355