Morgan Stanley

Home Country

Morgan Stanley is a global financial services firm and a market leader in securities, asset management and credit services.

Size of operations (number of employees) in the Philippines
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Company policies that mentions SOGIE

Equal Employment Opportunity. Morgan Stanley's goal is to build and maintain a workforce that is diverse in experience and background but uniform in reflecting our standards of integrity and excellence. Consequently, our recruiting efforts reflect our desire to attract and retain the best and brightest from all talent pools. We want to be the first choice for prospective employees.

It is the policy of the Firm to ensure equal employment opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, disability, marital and civil partnership/union status, pregnancy (including unlawful discrimination on the basis of a legally protected pregnancy/maternity leave), veteran status, genetic information, or any other
characteristic protected by law.

Morgan Stanley is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversifying its workforce (M/F/D/V).

(Read entire Code of Business Conduct)

Are these policies being enforced in the Philippines?
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Do they have policies and practices in the Philippines that are not in line with the policy mentioned above (e.g. no-crossdressing policy)? 
Any info? Email us at

Morgan Stanley in the Philippines

A - Morgan Stanley (Singapore) Holdings Pte Ltd
      Manila Representative Office
      6th Floor, Ayala Tower One
      Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue
      Makati City 1226, Philippines

T - (632) 856 9716

F - (632) 856 9761