The Merck Group

Home Country

Merck is a global pharmaceutical and chemical company with a history that began in 1668, and a future shaped by around 40,000 employees in 64 countries. 

Size of operations (number of employees) in the Philippines
Any info? Email us at

Company policies that mentions SOGIE

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. We select employees solely on the basis of their qualifications and character; this is part of the corporate culture of Merck. Our Code of
Conduct says: “We do not tolerate discrimination based on gender, race, color, nationality, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or on any other basis prohibited by law.” Diversity and equal opportunity in the workplace has an inspiring and motivating effect.

At the same time, we can only defend our international leadership positions if we succeed in attracting the best people to work for our company.
Are these policies being enforced in the Philippines?
Any info? Email us at

Do they have policies and practices in the Philippines that are not in line with the policy mentioned above (e.g. no-crossdressing policy)? 
Any info? Email us at

The Merck Group in the Philippines

A -24/F GT Tower International
     6813 Ayala Avenue
     1227 Makati City

T - +63 2 815-4067

F - +63 2 818-6262